"Attaining success the goal of all humans on earth but success has a path that must be followed in its attainment else not success but failure will be the end result. Dreams, goals, aspirations and ambitions at the footstool of many, but the knowledge and techniques to achieve lacking. Wherein lies the answer? It's now within your reach. Get the knowledge to self actualisation and your life will be that of fulfilment and joy and not that of discontentment.(Ekpo,Juliet.E)


Self actualisation is something that everyone on earth desires to achieve but many never of because it has a path and techniques to be followed before it can finally be achieved thus for all those who desire fulfilment without it they are discontented not only with themselves but with their love ones and society at large consequently, they become unhappy individuals who pace about on earth confused seeking for the road map of life to get the light to move them in their goals and aspirations.In order to achieve self actualisation or better put happiness at ones goals and achievement, there's need for such a person to work on his\her self in character building thus create improvement in not only the persons character but equally on the personality and nature.

The first step to self actualisation is to know the individual's short comings that bad traits and habits and work decisively with the aim of gething raid of it if not completely to the bearest minimum.

In order for any individual to achieve self actualisation thus accomplish his/ her desire goals and ambitions thereby fulfil their dreams, they must be able to take a critical over view of themselves and be honest with themselves, thus, do a critical evaluation on themselves to know the areas of short fall, where by they need to work on. lf it be on character, physical appearance, manner of speech, carriage or personality and be factual and realistic towards themselves. There's no need for the comfort zone in self assertion, but there's the need to be truthful and sincere with ones self and face the realities on ground exactly as it is, not minding what it is. there's equally the need to get professional help if the person discovers that he/she has anger issues thus needing anger management course to learn the act of controling of the mind thus speech, There's equally the need for each individual to understand that no individual can have all they want at a particular time thus that with some wants, patience, and endurance must be exercised, this is due to the fact that patience is a virtue every individual needs in life. Hardwork is equally a virtue for success in any endeavour. Therefore, with patience, perserverance, prayers and hardwork  comes success. Consequently, with these attributes its possible to achieve self actualisation as in any goal that the individual seeks to achieve cannot be achieved with laziness. a lazy person does not achieve much despite having goals and ambitions to fulfil. This is because without hardwork and dedication, its impossible to walk the path of self actualisation as its road though that of success comes with virtues inerent in individuals. Many desire to achieve greatness and success, but are not ready to have the prerequisite for its actualisation thus walk the path with no clear cut ideas on how to succeed, invariably, lacking the technique to success.

Success has a path that all who desire to attain it must follow and it's not an easy one because on its path obstacles are place to discourage thus the need for patience and endurance on the part of those who wish to attain it. No individual can achieve self actualisation with arrogance and pride but simplicity and humility as in the course of existence, different kinds of persons will be met and many not with nice nature, you as one who seeks self actualisation must know the art of diplomacy on how to deal with these types of person and at the same time not imbibe their life styles,else they'll be drawn not into their desired goal and aspiration but a reversal of it thus causing them to be disappointed with the themselves and the society at large.

It is therefore pertinent that whosoever desires to attain self actualisation must of a necessity put on all the qualites necessary as techiques to success and these are to be combined with an improvement even in the manner of dressing thus your dress code must equally be improved upon so that it will attract good mannered persons to you and thus improve your chances of attaining success thus you live in joy and fulfilment and invariably, your accomplishment great in life and you would thus achieve self actualisation.

It is therefore pertinent that whosoever desires to attain self actualisation must of a necessity put on all the qualites necessary as techiques to success and these are to be combined with an improvement even in the manner of dressing thus your dress code must equally be improved upon so that it will attract good mannered persons to you and thus improve your chances of attaining success thus you live in joy and fulfilment and invariably, your accomplishment great in life and you would thus achieve self actualisation.




THE PATH TO SELF ACTUALISATION THE PATH TO SELF ACTUALISATION Reviewed by sacred dreams on August 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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