Joke of the day : Be Mindful Of Who You Send On Errands By Ekpo,Juliet.E.

Amazing Joke:

A certain leader of a country held a meeting with his subordinates on the way forward for the nation and it was agreed that all the lunatics on the streets should be gotten off the streets and transported by air to a facility far away for proper medical care.The relevant authorities were contacted and to save cost,it was decided that they be lifted by air since the facility is far on particular days.The airline to do the job was contacted and the contract signed.The whole exercise had been going on successfully until the pilot and co-pilot who had been doing the job successfully mysterious took ill and others had to be given the task.

The new pilot did not know the mystery behind the success of the previous ones and embarked on the task ordinarily without consulting with the previous pilot and upon his first air lift to the designated facility in mid air during flight the whole plane was noisy and he asked the co pilot to please ask them to keep quite unknown to him that its a big mistake because on the co pilot asking them to do so,they all stared at him strangely,causing him to return to the cork pit and tell the chief pilot to just ignore the noise but no he would not have it so on board his flight so he asks one of the hostess to bring the leader of those making the noise and disturbing to him and she does.

On taking the leader to the cork pit,the pilot instructs him to make sure that the others keep quite and that a handsome reward awaits him when they land for doing so successfully and he gladly leaves to do so.After a brief moment,the pilot observes that the place is quite and no more noise and is happy with himself and calls on the group leader to know how he got them to stop the noise and the follow dialogue ensues. Pilot:"Great job there my friend,how did you get them all to be quite.l must certainly give you something when we land."  Leader of the group(Excited):"How l did it,hmmm,very simple,l just opened the door and asked everyone to jump not and they all did.Great isn't it."


Joke of the day : Be Mindful Of Who You Send On Errands By Ekpo,Juliet.E. Joke of the day : Be Mindful Of Who You Send On Errands By Ekpo,Juliet.E. Reviewed by julie sasha on March 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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