Sunshine Quotes

Sunshine Quotes

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.   
John Ruskin

Don't let the shadows of yesterday spoil the sunshine of tomorrow. Live for today.
Nandina Morris

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
Anthony J. D'Angelo

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.   
James Matthew Barrie

If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you'll never enjoy the sunshine.
Morris West

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.   
Joseph Addison

Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow.
Helen Keller

It is the artist's business to create sunshine when the sun fails.
Romain Rolland

A good laugh is sunshine in the house.
William Makepeace Thackeray

Change, like sunshine, can be a friend or a foe, a blessing or a curse, a dawn or a dusk.
William Arthur Ward

Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.   
Jimmie Davis

There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment.   
Orison Swett Marden

Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch.
Walt Whitman

 Sunshine Quotes

 Funny Sunshine Quotes

A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.
Friedrich Max Muller

He that will enjoy the brightness of sunshine, must quit the coolness of the shade.
Samuel Johnson

Sunshine cannot bleach the snow, Nor time unmake what poets know.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.   
William Shakespeare

Sunshine Quotes Short

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank

Danger gleams like sunshine to a brave man's eyes.

Not in sorrow freely is never to open the bosom to the sweets of the sunshine.
William Gilmore Simms

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If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.
Frank Lane

Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.
Robert Green Ingersoll

Spreading Sunshine Quotes

The sun lay like a friendly arm across her shoulder.
Margorie Kinnan Rawlings

You've got to get out and pray to the sky to appreciate the sunshine; otherwise you're just a lizard standing there with the sun shining on you.   
Ken Kesey

False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade.
John Christian Bovee

But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine.
Thomas Jefferson

Sunshine Quotes Images

Faith is the virtue of the storm, just as happiness is the virtue of sunshine.
Ruth Fulton Benedict

It is eternity now. I am in the midst of it. It is about me and the sunshine.
Richard Jefferies

“Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.”
― Helen Keller

“What did you call her?" she asks but I don't think it's her real question.
"Sunshine," I say, and she smiles like she believes it's perfect and she may be the only person other than me who would think so.
"What is she to you?" she whispers. The real question and I know the answer even if I don't know how to say it.
Drew's muffled voice rises up from the floor before I can respond.
"Family," he says.
And he's right.”
― Katja Millay

“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house."
[Notebook, Oct. 10, 1842]”
― Nathaniel Hawthorne, The American Notebooks

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“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.”
― Joseph Addison

“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.”
― Maud Hart Lovelace, Betsy-Tacy and Tib

“As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common, everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful. They are the things that fill our lives with comfort and our hearts with gladness -- just the pure air to breathe and the strength to breath it; just warmth and shelter and home folks; just plain food that gives us strength; the bright sunshine on a cold day; and a cool breeze when the day is warm.”
― Laura Ingalls Wilder, Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder: On Wisdom and Virtues

“my mother
is pure radiance.
she is the sun
i can touch
and kiss
and hold
getting burnt.”
― Sanober Khan

“The sun,--the bright sun, that brings back, not light alone, but new life, and hope, and freshness to man--burst upon the crowded city in clear and radiant glory. Through costly-coloured glass and paper-mended window, through cathedral dome and rotten crevice, it shed its equal ray.”
― Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

“No, I don't miss you... Not in a way that one is missed.
But I think of you.
In the way that one might think of the summer sunshine
On a winter night...”
― Sreesha Divakaran, Those Imperfect Strokes

Sunshine Quotes For Him

“But once in a while, you pick the right thing, the exact best thing. Every day, the moment you open your eyes and pull off your blankets, that's what you hope for. The sunshine on your face,warm enough to make you heart sing.”
― Sarah Ockler, Bittersweet

“She was like the sun,
She knew her place in the world -
She would shine again regardless
of all the storms and changeable weather
She wouldn't adjust her purpose
for things that pass.”
― Nikki Rowe

“Ô, Wanderess, Wanderess
When did you feel your
most euphoric kiss?
Was I the source
of your greatest bliss?”
― Roman Payne

“The beauty of that June day was almost staggering. After the wet spring, everything that could turn green had outdone itself in greenness and everything that could even dream of blooming or blossoming was in bloom and blossom. The sunlight was a benediction. The breezes were so caressingly soft and intimate on the skin as to be embarrassing.”
― Dan Simmons, Drood

“I used to cover my windows in heavy curtains, never drawn. Now I danced in the sunlight on my hardwood floors.”
― Kimberly Novosel, Loved

“Here sat Marilla Cuthbert, when she sat at all, slightly distrustful of sunshine, which seemed to her too dancing and irresponsible a thing for a world which was meant to be taken seriously…”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

You Are My Sunshine Quotes

“She perched on her windowsill, gazing at the lurid sun soaking into the Caldera, trying to appreciate it even though she couldn’t have it. Why did she always feel she had to do something in the face of beauty?”
― Ann Brashares, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

“And, I think, this greening does thaw at the edges, at least, of my own cold season. Joy sneaks in: listening to music, riding my bicycle, I catch myself feeling, in a way that’s as old as I am but suddenly seems unfamiliar, light. I have felt so heavy for so long. At first I felt odd- as if I shouldn’t be feeling this lightness, that familiar little catch of pleasure in the heart which is inexplicable, though a lovely passage of notes or the splendidly turned petal of a tulip has triggered it. It’s my buoyancy, part of what keeps me alive: happy, suddenly with the concomitant experience of a sonata and the motion of the shadows of leaves. I have the desire to be filled with sunlight, to soak my skin in as much of it as I can drink up, after the long interior darkness of this past season, the indoor vigil, in this harshest and darkest of winters, outside and in.”
― Mark Doty, Heaven's Coast: A Memoir

“I write about adversity, I praise adversity, not to be pessimistic, but rather to strengthen myself. The more familiar that you are with it, the less likely you are to have a breakdown when it occurs. You become more reflective of its purpose, you understand God's reason for it, and are then able to make the best of everything that you are handed. The darkness is only frightening after constant sunshine.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy

“There he got out the luncheon-basket and packed a simple meal, in which, remembering the stranger's origin and preferences, he took care to include a yard of long French bread, a sausage out of which the garlic sang, some cheese which lay down and cried, and a long-necked straw-covered flask wherein lay bottled sunshine shed and garnered on far Southern slopes.”
― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

“As we walk back, it feels like the city is engulfing us. Adrenalin still pours through our veins. Sparks flow through to our fingers. We've still been running in the mornings, but the city's different then. It's filled with hope and with bristles of winter sunshine. In the evening, it's like it dies, waiting to be born again the next morning.”
― Markus Zusak, Fighting Ruben Wolfe

“Life brings darkness so many times, and we feel down in this phase of darkness. But the true value of darkness only realizes when we face the darkness, until we look some sunshine within the darkness.”
― John Magoss

“Before he had come to the town he had known about nothing but death: here he had learnt to live, to decide things for himself; he had learnt what it felt like to wash in clean water in the sunshine until he was clean himself, and what it felt like to satisfy his hunger with food that tasted good; he had learnt the sound of laughter that was free from cruelty; he had learnt the meaning of beauty”
― Anne Holm, I Am David

“ Put yourself into anothers shoes.
But is it enough for you to put yourself into another smelly shoes after you realise the smell of your own shoes is different from anothers shoes.”
― sun

“My dream, I have faith in you!
Tell me that reality won't vanquish you;
it won't crush my lively spirit into wafts of sorrowful aches,
that's what you should vow.

I remember you,
you used to make me smile for a hope
I have always desired,
it made my pain worth its dreadfulness.
I waited for the sunshine and
it made me love and enjoy the rain.
We were trapped by dense clouds,
now I think I am free.. to breathe again.
Like the sea waves,
hope visits my shore
carrying the light for the frozen heart
and the darkened soul.”
― Noha Alaa El-Din, Norina Luciano

“They are closing the mine in two weeks, they say. Six days a week bumping down in the gondola, pecking out the rocks and hauling them back up, doing it again the next day for twenty-seven years, one cave-in, three thin raises, and a failed strike. Where am I going to go every day, what am I going to do with all that sunshine?”
― Lou Beach, 420 Characters

“Look ahead to the bright light
Use your hopes to unfold each night
Rejoice in the struggle, stay sane
There’s always sunshine after rain”
― Soulla Christodoulou, Sunshine after Rain: A Collection of Poetry

“Not every ray of sun brings light.
Not every day it shines bright.
Sometimes, it dulls its own light giving us the message,
"Why burn? When you can
Twinkle Your Shine.”
― Twinkle Sharma

“And remember, Wallis, there's something the matter with Mr. Allan's shutters. They won't always close the sunshine out as they should."
Wallis almost winked, if an elderly, mutton-chopped servitor can be imagined as winking.
"No, ma'am," he promised. Something wrong with 'em. I'll remember, ma'am.”
― Margaret Widdemer, The Rose-Garden Husband

“Calvin Little, Lepidopterist! Calvin Little, he of the Still Waters Running Deep all over the place. Sweet, belt-wearing, Latin-spouting Calvin, to whom I owed three dollars and seventy-five cents. He had called himself my friend, and for some reason that knocked me out more than if he had professed his undying love for me. Friend, as in the noun-not-the-verb, as in real-life, flesh-and-blood friend. I wanted to cry with appreciation for him. As I glue-sticked the Blue Morpho into the GBBoE, it occured to me that my mind had snapped a photograph of Calvin– Calvin kneeling in the sunshine, his brilliant hair aflame in the light, cradling that butterfly in his freckled hands–and that I might just carry the image with me for the rest of my life.”
― Sarah Combs, Breakfast Served Anytime

“Whatever the weather may be, says he,
Whatever the weather may be,
It's the songs we sing and the smiles we wear,
That's a-making the sunshine everywhere.”
― Sally Jennings, The Story of the Fairmont Empress: Victoria

“Unlike in the movies, the weather seemed indifferent to his personal predicament and refused dramatic contribution. It was a rather pleasant day, in fact.”
― Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit

“Life is beautiful. I feel beauty all around me, in the sunshine, in the winds,in the rains, in the people, everywhere.”
― Vidushi Gupta, The Unending Maze : Because Finding Your Way Out Has Never Been More Difficult

“Ô, Muse of the Heart’s Passion,
let me relive my Love’s memory,
to remember her body, so brave and so free,
and the sound of my Dreameress singing to me,
and the scent of my Dreameress sleeping by me,
Ô, sing, sweet Muse, my soliloquy!”
― Roman Payne

“He first saw her in a ray of sunshine. She was dancing and singing in a forest clearing, her golden hair sparkling as it swirled around her. Her voice was the very essence of a happy, sunny day distilled into song. She was as weightless on her toes as golden motes in a drowsy beam, floating their way up to the ceiling.”
― Liz Braswell, Once Upon a Dream

“She felt the sun on her face, warming her after the months of snow and freezing temperatures. She took off her sweatshirt, tied it around her waist and ran in shorts and T-shirt... she needed some sunshine on her skin, and it felt exhilarating to stretch herself out. She flew alongside the raging river, the rhythm of her strides and the beating of her trainers on the path chasing out the gloomy thoughts that had become a part of her whole being, ingrained like dirt in the creases of her skin.”
― FJCampbell

My Lord, the Creator, has many names, but He is one and the same. God is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, and Hindu. God is love. God is truth, and the true light of love sees no walls. Do not abandon him even when your days are gray; for He is only returning your call when you asked for strength. The Creator will talk to you only in daylight, through the rays of the sun, and He does not use words. Instead, he will reflect his dancing mirrors inside your head, and they will communicate to your heart and change your biochemistry to see with His eyes and think like Him. There is no such thing as prophets and seers; for all of mankind was created equal. However, if you are open to love all without fear, and to forgive all without hate, He will radiate His love through your heart and eyes in a way that your magnetic field becomes a reflection of His sunshine. Yes, God is near and God is here. His tests are many, but so are his blessings. Yes, faith is the flame to eliminate all fear. For if you are truly good, serve Him, and stand only by your conscience -- He will grant you whatever you ask of Him when you enter His heavenly garden.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Good… Bad? I’m not here to judge where you’re at or where you’ve been. I’m simply here to encourage you in where you would like to go. You have the map; I’ll shine the light on it so you can better read it. And eventually, the sun will rise again in your life and you’ll no longer need my light to assist you.”
― Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace: Essential Teachings for Enriching Life

“Once your soul is awakened, you never return to the sleepwalking state of mind. Some people become complacent in life. They are just going through the motions and not aware of truth. Seek the knowledge, wisdom, and the understandings that vivify your existence.”
― Amaka Imani Nkosazana, Heart Crush

“The sun rises, the sun falls, the wind blows and the birds sing no matter where you are. These are experiences that unite us all... something we can all enjoy together”
― Melanie Charlene

“Echo of the waves appears in the sky, their lights reflected in your eyes. I'm back in our world and happy again. The sound of your voice, compassionate embrace... The power in your touch, serenity of stride... The beating of your heart calms down my presence, gracing with eternal peace of mind... Bathing in the sunshine of your arms I'm deeply aware of the melodic stream that has no language...gliding beneath the quiet Heaven of your eyes...”
― Oksana Rus

“My everlasting Summer fills heart with laughter like a blooming flower... Her diverse sounds is nature's symphony, sprinkle delight, with comfort of ocean breeze which needs no attest.. The unique every moment of soul's revival and its sun to shine...”
― Oksana Rus

“Heaven is thine and so it's mine.
Elated, I cannot give to thee but receive it sublime.
And if it's there to shine for all to see,..
Vast sea of love for us to seize.
Ease the pain with a sweet kiss, water the Flowers...
No shadows of a perfect bliss but the sunshine of ours.”
― Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic

“If Molly had not been so entirely loyal to her friend, she might have
thought this constant brilliancy a little tiresome when brought into
every-day life; it was not the sunshiny rest of a placid lake, it was
rather the glitter of the pieces of a broken mirror, which confuses
and bewilders.”
― Elizabeth Gaskell

“I am a tale, I am a book, written in different languages and styles
I can’t be read, can’t be understood,
neither by me nor the greatest of minds
I am too big, I am too small, to be processed or seen by the naked eye
I am too dim, I am too bright, to appear in the shadows or the sunshine.”
― Sanober Khan

“Was I prone to sadness and melancholy? How could anyone like that? It wasn't that I wanted it; it was that I was so used to hard rains, I couldn't help expecting a cloudburst every time something nice happened and sunshine beamed down over me.”
― V.C. Andrews, Pearl in the Mist
“A day without your child is like a day without sunshine; a month without your child is like a month without laughter; a year without your child is like a year without your heart; a lifetime without your child is like a lifetime without your soul…”
― Kirsty Dallas, Mother's Love

“Please tell me it's going to rain today, Francois.'
'Ah!' he smiled. (This was obviously familiar territory.) 'I regret to inform you that the forecast calls for nothing but sunshine.'
'Relentless sunshine,' she corrected him.”
― Kathleen Tessaro, The Perfume Collector

“What did you see when you died?"
He has that tenative half smile, like he's almost embarrassed by what he's saying. "Because I'm guessing it wasn't the Sea of Tranquility."
And when I look at him, I'm not so sure it wasn't.
“Where did you go?" His voice drops just slightly and loses even the suggestion of a smile.
He's watching me like he's not sure he's allowed to ask the question, and he's not even sure he wants the answer. I can almost see his grandfather's words and Josh's doubts about them swimming in his head. On every side of me are the lights and the tools and the wood and the boots and the boy I want to see forever. And if the my Sea of Tranquility were real, it would be this place, here, with him.
I don't say anything right away, because I just want one minute to look at his face before I give him my last secret.
And then I tell him.
"Your garage.”
― Katja Millay, The Sea of Tranquility

“It was cold and barren. It was no longer the view that I remembered. The sunshine of her presence was far from me. The charm of her voice no longer murmured in my ear.”
― Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White

“To wish for the happiest days is to wish for a season of sorrow; for it is only after prolonged, wintry darkness that the summer sun appears to shine at its brightest.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway

“Monsters can live inside a person. Sometimes, they know about it. More often, they don’t. The monster makes them feel safe, or at the very least, better. As long as you know it’s there, you can co-exist with it. Give it what it wants, and it will return the favor. Other times, the monster takes over.
Bares its teeth.”
― Nikki Rae, Sunshine

“You are funny like a kid and awesome like a princess
Unseen like an angel, like the morning sunshine…
Kindness like a river and highness like a mountain,
In the middle of the Rheine, the cute face and sweet lips …
(La la la la, La la , mmmm , mm …)
Keep the lovely smile, in your juicy icy eyes
Open the heaven for my eyes, forever angel voice
Never angry never harsh, never mad never marsh
Dear or darling, either diamond or dime,
Overall the dream of the world”
― M.F. Moonzajer, A moment with God ; Poetry

“I love when the sun plays hide-n-seek for a few days because its invisibility often goes unnoticed. The world seems content that its presence behind the clouds is enough. But as soon as that brilliant sun jumps into the open sky once again―shining in full splendor―our closed eyes automatically turn toward it, and we bask beneath a warm and tender touch, grateful all the more that our glorious sun exists.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes

“A ray of sunshine, I bring to the world my passion of guiding others to their point of power by first loving themselves from the inside out. I Am on a never ending journey of self discovery and that has earned me a PHd in life experience I share with you. If your ready to walk the path of happy, I am your partner and together we Can transform your world into something extraordinarily awesome.”
― Lee Pryke

“(regarding what kind of day she would want to be released) If I had the opportunity to choose, I would want it to be a radiant sunshiny day! And I would love it to be a Saturday morning. I'd go home and take a bath and soak and shampoo and put on clean underwear and clean clothes! And then Sunday morning I want to go to church and thank Gd for freedom -- with capital letters.”
― Diet Eman, Things We Couldn't Say

“Arabella dangled her legs out of the bedroom window and closed her eyes. She felt a butterfly brush against her knee, rubbed her skin against the mortar and bricks, drank in the warmth of the morning sunshine on her face, her arms her feet.”
― Puline Fisk

Sunshine Quotes Sunshine Quotes Reviewed by julie sasha on October 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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