Clean, Corny and Cheesy Jokes for Kids and Adults of all ages
Q: Why did the treat go to the doctor's facility?
A: Because he felt horrendous
Q: Why did Johnny toss the check out of the window?
A: Because he needed to see time fly!
Q: What did the policeman say to his stomach catch?
A: You're under a vest!
Q: What do you call a phony noodle?
An: An impasta
Q: What did one latrine say to the next can?
A: You look flushed
Q: What do attorneys wear to court?
A: Lawsuits!
Stories that make you laugh until you cry
Q: Why is there an entryway around burial grounds?
A: Because individuals are passing on to get in!
Q: Why wouldn't the shrimp share his fortune?
A: Because he was a little shellfish
Q: What illuminates a soccer stadium?
An: A soccer coordinate
Q: Why was the infant strawberry crying?
A: Because his mother and father were in a stick.
Q: Why shouldn't you compose with a broken pencil?
A: Because it's silly.
Q: Why did the man put his cash in the cooler?
A: He needed real money!
Q: What lies at the base of the sea and jerks?
An: An apprehensive wreck
Joke question answer
Q: Why did the hair stylist win the race?
A: Because he took an easy route.
Q: What do consider cheddar that isn't yours?
A: Nacho Cheese
Q: What do you call four matadors remaining in a sand trap?
A: Quattro Sinko
Q: How would you influence a tissue to move?
A: Put a little boogie in it!
Q: What do you call a resting bull?
An: A bulldozer!
Subtle humor
Q: What do you call a belt with a watch on it?
An: An abdomen of time
Q: What do you call holds on for no ears?
A: B
Q: Where do pencils go for an excursion?
A: Pencil-Vania
Q: Why couldn't simply the horse sing a children's song?
A: He was somewhat raspy
Q: What did the judge say when the skunk strolled in the court?
An: Odor in the court.
Q: Where do snowmen keep their cash?
A: In snow banks!
Cheesiest joke in the world
Q: What is the greatest day to go to the shoreline?
A: Sunday, obviously!
Q: How do hens cheer for their group?
A: They egg them on!
Q: What did the janitor say when he bounced out of the storage room?
A: Supplies
Q: Why did the man with one hand cross the street?
A: To get to the second-hand shop.
Q: What bow can't be tied?
An: A rainbow!
Q: What season is it when you are on a trampoline?
A: Springtime
What do you call riddles
Q: What is red and scents like blue paint?
A: Red Paint
Q: Why do angle live in salt water?
A: Because pepper influences them to wheeze!
Q: Why did the birdie go to the doctor's facility?
A: To get a tweetment
Q: What has one head, one foot and four legs?
A: A Bed
Q: Where did the PC go to move?
A: To a plate o
Q: Why is England the wettest nation?
A: Because the ruler has ruled there for a considerable length of time!
Q: Why did the banana go to the Doctor?
A: Because it was not feeling great
Q: Why did the PC go to the specialist?
A: Because it had an infection!
Smart one liners
Q: Why did Roger go out with a prune?
A: Because he couldn't discover a date!
Q: What happened to the pooch that gulped a firefly?
An: It yelped with delight!
Q: How would you shoot an Africanized honey bee?
A: With a honey bee honey bee weapon
Q: What did the movement light say to the auto?
A: Don't look, I'm going to change!
Q: Who acquires a living pushing their clients away?
A: A cabbie
How to make a joke out of anything
Q: What did the little mountain say to the huge mountain?
A: Hi Cliff!
Q: What did Winnie The Pooh say to his operator?
A: Show me the nectar!
Q: Why did the young lady spread nutty spread out and about?
A: To run with the car influx!
Q: What experiences towns, up and over slopes, however doesn't move?
A: The street!
Fathers day jokes one liners
Q: What sort of mutts like auto dashing?
A: Lap mutts
Q: Why was there thunder and lightning in the lab?
A: The researchers were conceptualizing!
Q: Why couldn't the privateer play cards?
A: Because he was perched on the deck!
Q: What do you call a child monkey?
An: A Chimp off the old square
Q: Where do honey bees go to the washroom?
A: At the BP station!
Best joke in existence
Q: Why did the movement light turn red?
A: You would as well on the off chance that you needed to change amidst the road!
Q: What did one lift say to the next lift?
An: I believe I'm contracting something!
Q: What do you get when you cross fish and an elephant?
A: Swimming trunks.
Corny question jokes
Q: What do you call the security protects who work at the Samsung store?
A: Guardians of the Galaxy.
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A: Frostbite
Q: What word is constantly spelled wrong in the Dictionary?
A: Wrong.
Q: Why couldn't simply the bike hold up?
A: It was two-tired!
Long corny jokes
Q: How would you be able to tell who is a fanatic of auto dashing?
A: He supposes the last words to the star radiant pennant are 'Noble men, begin your motors!'
Q: What sort of creature would you not like to play amusements with?
An: A cheetah
Q: Why did the chicken get a punishment?
A: For fowl play!
Q: What is a team promoter's most loved drink?
A: Rootbeer
Q: When does Friday precede Thursday?
An: In the word reference
Q: What did the sweeping say to the bed?
A: Don't stress, I have you secured!
Intellectual joke of the day
Q: what number tickles does it take to influence an Octopus to giggle?
A: Ten-tickles
Q: What sort of flying creature sticks to sweaters?
An: a Vel-Crow
Q: What appears on little shorelines?
A: Microwaves
Q: What sort of catch won't unfasten?
An: A bellybutton!
Q: Why is the sky so troubled?
An: It is feeling down
Q: Where do pontoons go when they become ill?
A: The dock
Q: What pet makes the loudest commotion?
A: A trum-pet!
Q: What do you call an amusing mountain?
A: Hill-arious!
Readers digest dad jokes
Q: What's anything but difficult to get into yet difficult to escape?
A: Trouble
Q: What do you call two husky individuals having a visit?
An: An overwhelming discourse
Q: What did the triangle say to the circle?
A: You're inconsequential!
Q: What sort of saltines do fire fighters like in their soup?
A: Firecrackers!
One liners about dad
Q: What did the computerized clock say to the pendulum clock?
A: Look grandpa, no hands!
Q: What is a space explorer's most loved place on a PC?
A: The Space bar!
Q: Which month do troopers detest most?
A: The long stretch of March!
Q: What did the judge say to the dental practitioner?
A: Do you pledge to pull the tooth, the entire tooth and only the tooth.
Q: What begins with a P, closes with an E, and has a million letters in it?
A: Post Office!
Q: What runs however doesn't go anyplace?
A: A fridge
Dad joke opening lines
Q: Why did the scarecrow win a honor?
A: Because he was out-remaining in his field.
Q: What sort of puppy keeps the best time?
An: A guard dog.
Q: Which is the longest word in the lexicon?
A: "Grins", in light of the fact that there is a mile between every 's'
Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the street?
A: Because the chicken joke wasn't created yet.
Q: Why couldn't dracula's better half get the opportunity to rest?
A: Because of his pine box.
Q: What did the specialist at the elastic band industrial facility say when he lost his activity?
An: Oh Snap!
Q: What did one cap say to another?
A: You remain here, I'll go on ahead
Lesser known jokes
Q: What do detainees use to call each other?
A: Cell telephones.
Q: What did the senior stack say to the more youthful fireplace?
A: You're excessively youthful, making it impossible to smoke!
Q: Why are privateers called privateers?
A: Cause they arrrrr.
Q. What did the legal counselor name his little girl?
A. Sue
Jokes so bad they're good
Q. What did the feline say subsequent to eating two robins lying in the sun?
A. I simply love baskin' robins.
Q. What number of books would you be able to put in an unfilled rucksack?
A. One! After that it's not void!
Q. Did you hear they're changing the deck in childcare focuses?
A. They're calling it newborn child tile!
Q: What three confections would you be able to discover in each school?
A: Nerds, DumDums, and smarties.
Q: What do you consider a man that irons garments?
An: Iron Man
Q: How do insane individuals experience the woodland?
A: They take the psycho way.
Q: Why shows improvement over an Earth-shake?
A: Because it's a little meteor
Q: Why is Peter Pan continually flying?
A: He neverlands!
Q: Why did the photo go to imprison?
A: Because it was encircled!
Maxim jokes 2018
Q: What do you call a croc in a vest?
An: An Investigator
Q: What remains in the corner and voyages everywhere throughout the world?
An: A stamp
Q: What sort of key opens a banana?
An: A monkey!
Q: What do you call a person who never flatulates out in the open?
An: A private guide
Q: What goes up when the rain descends?
An: An umbrella
Q: What did the tree say to the breeze?
A: Leaf only me!
Q: Did you hear the joke about the rooftop?
A: Never mind, it's in a tough situation!
Q: Why didn't the skeleton go to the move?
A: Because he had nobody to run with.
Q: What did the pony say when he fell?
A: Help, I've fallen and I can't be wired up!
Q: What happens when the exhaust cloud lifts over Los Angeles?
Q: Which U.S. State has the littlest soda pops?
A: Mini-pop
Q: Why did the stadium get hot after the amusement?
An: All of the fans left
Q: What did the duck say to the barkeep?
A: Put it on my bill
Q: How does a squid go into a fight?
A: Well Armed
Q: What sort of tea is difficult to accept?
A: Reality
Q: Why was the person searching for junk food on his companion?
A: Because his companion said supper is on me.
Q: What did the Time Traveler do when he was as yet hungry after his last chomp?
A: He returned four seconds.
Q: What do you call a capricious, crazy picture taker?
An: A free Canon.
Q: Did you find out about the touchy robber?
A: He thinks about things literally.
Q: Did the frustrated smoker get all that he needed for Christmas?
A: Clothes, yet no stogie.
Q: What do you consider the sound a canine makes when it's gagging on a bit of its proprietor's gems?
An: A jewel in the ruff.
Q: What do you call the substantial breathing somebody makes while attempting to hold a yoga posture?
A: Yoga pants.
Q: How would you awe a bread cook when you're taking his girl out on the town?
A: Bring her flours.
Q: Why did the yogurt go to the workmanship show?
A: Because it was refined.
Q: Where do dairy animals hang their artistic creations?
An: In the mooo-seum.
Q: Why did the tomato turn red?
A: Because it saw the plate of mixed greens dressing!
Q: Why did the would crusher be able to leave his place of employment?
A: Because it was pop squeezing.
Q: What do honey bees would in the event that they like to utilize open transport?
A: Wait at a buzz stop!
Q: What did the mold cop say to his sweater?
A: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Q: What do you call a gathering of sloppy felines?
An: A Cat-astrophe
Q: Why did the frog take the transport to work?
A: His auto got amphibian.
Q: What is the contrast between a dressmaker and a rancher?
An: A dressmaker sews what she accumulates, a rancher assembles what he sows.
Q: What do you provide for a wiped out lemon?
A: Lemon help!
Q: What do they call jars in Mexico?
A: Mexi-jars
Q: What did the wild ox say to his child when he exited for school?
A: Bison
Q: Where do Volkswagens go when they get old
A: The Old Volks home!
Q: Why did the elephants get kicked out of people in general pool?
A: They continued dropping their trunks.
Q: What's the most melodic piece of a chicken?
A: The drumstick
Q: What do you consider a seagull that flies over the inlet?
An: A Bagel
Q: What did the angler say to the performer?
A: Pick a cod, any cod!
Q: What did the red light say to the green light?
A: Don't look, I'm evolving!
Q: Why couldn't the sesame seed leave the gambling club?
A: Because he was having some fantastic luck.
Q: What might Bears be without Bees?
An: Ears
Q: Why did the poor man offer yeast?
A: To raise some mixture.
Q: How do snails battle?
A: They slug it out.
Q: Why do bananas wear suntan cream?
A: Because they peel.
Q: What's the distinction amongst obliviousness and lack of concern?
An: I don't know and I couldn't care less.
Q: Why are penguins socially unbalanced?
A: Because they can't break the ice.
Q: Where do ground sirloin sandwiches go to move?
A: They go to the meat-ball
Q: What sort of shoes do all government operatives wear?
A: Sneakers
Q: Why did the kid tiptoe past the pharmaceutical bureau?
A: He would not like to wake the resting pills!
Q: What do you get when you put your radio in the ice chest?
A: Cool Music.
Q: Why did the belt go to imprison?
A: Because it held up some jeans!
Q: What do you call a hold on for no socks on?
A: Bare-foot.
Q: What would you be able to serve yet never eat?
An: A volleyball.
Q: How do honey bees get the chance to class?
A: They take the school buzz, obviously!
Q: What do you call a bovine on a trampoline?
An: A drain shake!
Q: Why did the kid sprinkle sugar on his cushion before he rested?
A: So he could have sweet dreams.
Q: Why did the burglar clean up?
A: Because he needed to make a perfect escape.
Q: What did the penny say to the next penny?
A: We make idealize pennies.
Q: How would you discover a Princess?
A: You take after the foot Prince.
Q: Why did the fashionable person consume his tongue with his pizza?
A: He ate it before it was cool!
Q: How do insane individuals experience the woodland?
A: They take the psycho way.
Q: What do you call a statement of regret written in spots and dashes?
A: Remorse code.
Q: What do you call a fat mystic?
An: A four jaw teller
Q: Why aren't koalas real bears?
A: The don't meet the koalafications.
Q: What's dark colored and sticky?
An: A stick.
Q: What's a foot long and elusive?
An: A shoe
Q: What's red and climbs and down?
An: A tomato in a lift
Q: How does NASA sort out a gathering?
A: They planet
Q: What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in like manner?
A: Same center name.
Q: Who strolls into an eatery, eats shoots and takes off?
An: A Panda
Q: What did one eye say to the next eye?
A: Don't look now, however something between us smells.
Q: Why do abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxy and z detest hanging out with the letter n?
A: Because n dependably must be the focal point of consideration.
Q: What do you call somebody who fears Santa?
An: A Clausterphobic
Q: What sound do porcupines make when they kiss?
An: Ouch!
Q: Why can't your nose be 12 inches in length?
A: Because then it would be a foot!
Q: What did the man say to the divider?
A: One more split that way and I'll mortar ya!
Q: Why don't skeletons battle each other?
A: They don't have the guts.
Q: What has four haggles?
A: Garbage truck!
Q: What do you say when you lose a wii diversion?
An: Ouch!
Q: Why would it be advisable for you to take a pencil to bed?
An: I need a wii-coordinate!
Q: Why was the understudy's report card wet?
An: It was beneath C level!
Q: What avenues do apparitions frequent?
A: Dead closures!
Q: What do you call it when Batman skips church?
A: Christian Bale
Q: What did the grape do when it got ventured on?
An: It let out a little wine!
Q: What did the time traveler do when he was as yet hungry after supper?
A: He returned four seconds.
Q: What do you call a phony noodle?
An: An Im-pasta!
I heard this for the specific first time when I was on a transport in Disney World more than seven years prior, and it changed my life perpetually in light of the fact that it started my undying affection for silly jokes. So thank you puzzle kid on the transport. I couldn't have done this without you.
Q: Why can't your nose be 12 inches in length?
A: Because then it would be a foot!
Q: What sort of cheddar isn't yours?
A: Nacho cheddar!
Everybody realizes that one, yet clearly I couldn't let it alone for this rundown!
Q: What do you call a mile of felines?
An: A meowtain!
Q: Why did the yogurt go to the exhibition hall?
A: Because it was refined!
Q: What's a pepper that won't allow you to sit unbothered?
A: Jalapeno business!
Q: what number tickles does it take to influence an octopus to giggle?
A: Ten-tickles!
Q: What sort of room wouldn't you be able to enter?
an: A mushroom!
Q: What do you get when you improve for Christmas?
A: Tinselitus!
Q: What do you call a crocodile in a vest?
An: An agent!
Q: Why did the fish get terrible evaluations?
A: Because it was beneath ocean level!
Q: How would you put an outsider infant to rest?
A: You rocket!
Q: Where did Noah keep his honey bees?
An: In his ark hives!
Q: What do you call a vainglorious criminal going down the stairs?
An: A stooping con sliding!
Q: Why did the mermaid sport seashells?
A: Because the B-shells were too little and the D-shells were too huge!
Q: Why did the bike fall over?
A: Because it was two tired!
Q: How would you arrange a space party?
A: You planet!
Q: Where did the cow take his date?
A: The MOOvies!
Q: Why do seagulls live by the ocean?
A: Because in the event that they lived by the cove, they'd be called bagels!
Q: What do you call a gathering of sloppy felines?
An: A feline astrophe!
Q: Why does Snoop Dogg utilize an umbrella?
A: For dizzle!
Q: Why did the golfer bring two sets of jeans?
An: on the off chance that he got an opening in one!
Q: Why did the melons get hitched?
A: Because they melon!
Q: What did one eye say to the next eye?
A: Between you and me, something smells!
Q: Have you heard the joke about pizza?
A: Never mind, it's excessively gooey!
Q: What did the malevolent chicken lay? Deviled eggs!
Q: What sort of shoes does a cheat wear?
A: Sneakers!
Q: What do you call a pretty apparition?
A: BOOtiful!
Q: What do you call a line of rabbits jumping ceaselessly?
An: A subsiding bunny line!
Q: Why wouldn't the shrimp share his fortune?
A: He was a little shellfish!
Q: What is the distinction between a frumpy man on a tricycle and a sharp looking man on a bike?
An: Attire!
Q: How would you influence a tissue to move?
A: You put a little boogie in it!
Q: What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
An: A carrot!
Q: Why don't you ever observe a hippopotamus covering up in a tree?
A: Because they're great at it!
Q: Did you catch wind of the man who was on preliminary for nourishing his dairy animals explosive?
A: The jury said it was a-bomb-in-a-bull!
Q: What did the cake say to the fork?
A: Want a bit of me?!
Q: Why couldn't the privateer take in the letter set?
A: Because he was constantly lost at C!
Q: What do you call an enchantment owl?
A: Hoodini!
Q: What's white and can't climb a tree?
An: A cooler!
Q: What's green, dark colored and white and can't climb a tree?
An: A cooler in a battle coat!
Q: What do you consider a bomb that doesn't detonate yet arrives on a bovine?
An: A drain failure!
Q: Why are elephants wrinkly? Have you at any point attempted to press one!?
Q: What work did the frog have at the lodging?
A: Bellhop!
Q: Where does the electric string go to shop?
A: The outlet shopping center!
Q: Why don't they play poker in the wilderness?
A: Because there are an excessive number of cheetahs!
Q: What's a skeleton's most loved instrument?
A: The tromBONE!
Q: What do you consider a man that irons garments?
An: Iron Man!
Q: When does a duck wake up?
An: At the quack of day break.
Q: Why did the cow cross the street?
A: To get to the udder side!
Furthermore, presumably the cheesiest of all:
Q: What do you call the Children of the Corn's dad?
A: POP-corn!
For what reason was the turkey in the pop gathering?
Since he was the just a single with drumsticks!
What do you call a phony noodle?
An impasta.
For what reason was the infant strawberry crying?
Since his mother and father were in a stick.
What do you consider a boomerang that does not return?
A stick.
For what reason wouldn't the shrimp share his fortune?
Since he was a little shellfish.
What did one can state to the next latrine?
You look flushed.
For what reason was the snowman glancing through the carrots?
He was picking his nose.
For what reason is there an entryway around burial grounds?
Since individuals are passing on to get in!
Is there any good reason why you shouldn't compose with a broken pencil?
Since it's silly.
What sort of hair does a shoreline have?
What illuminates a soccer stadium?
A soccer coordinate.
What do you call four matadors remaining in a sand trap?
Quattro Sinko.
What does the sun drink out of?
For what reason did the stylist win the race?
Since he took an easy route.
For what reason did the man put his cash in the cooler?
He needed real money!
What do you call a fish without an eye?
What lies at the base of the sea and jerks?
An anxious wreck.
How would you influence a tissue to move?
Put a little boogey in it!
What sort of photographs do teeth take?
What do consider cheddar that isn't yours?
Nacho Cheese.
How would you make a venetian visually impaired.
Jab him in the eyes.
I would enlighten a joke regarding angling…
In any case, I overlooked the line.
For what reason couldn't simply the horse sing a children's song?
He was somewhat dry.
What do you call holds on for no ears?
Jokes about aeration and cooling systems?
Not a fan.
What do you call a dozing bull?
A bulldozer!
What do you consider a pooch that does enchantment traps?
A labracadabrador.
What do you call a belt with a watch on it?
A midriff of time.
What did the judge say when the skunk strolled in the court?
Scent in the court.
What's it considered when a chameleon can't change its hues any longer?
A reptile brokenness.
Where do pencils go for excursion?
What bow can't be tied?
A rainbow!
For what reason did the cross-looked at educator get terminated?
She couldn't control her understudies.
How do hens cheer for their group?
They egg them on!
Where do snowmen keep their cash?
In snow banks!
What is the contrast between young lady spaghetti and man spaghetti?
What is the greatest day to go to the shoreline?
Sunday, obviously!
What season is it when you are on a trampoline?
Spring time.
For what reason did the man with one hand cross the street?
To get to the second hand shop.
Where do the poor meatballs live?
The sphaghetto!
Where did the PC go to move?
To a plate o.
For what reason did the birdie go to the healing center?
To get a tweetment.
What did the sweet potato wear to bed?
His dad yam-as.
How is red and scents blue paint?
Red Paint.
For what reason do angle live in salt water?
Since pepper influences them to sniffle!
As a wizard, I like transforming things into glass.
I simply needed to make that obvious.
For what reason is England the wettest nation?
Since the ruler has ruled there for quite a long time!
What has one head, one foot and four legs?
A Bed.
What do you call a visually impaired dinosaur?
How would you shoot an Africanized honey bee?
With a honey bee honey bee weapon.
For what reason did Roger go out with a prune?
Since he couldn't discover a date!
Did you hear the joke about the broken submarine?
It turned out poorly well.
For what reason did the banana go to the Doctor?
Since it was not peeling admirably.
For what reason did the PC go to the specialist?
Since it had an infection!
How would you know when the moon has enough to eat?
At the point when it's full.
Who acquires a living pushing their clients away?
A cab driver.
The end result for the puppy that gulped a firefly?
It yelped with de-light!
What do you consider a pig that knows karate?
Pork Chop.
What sort of puppies like auto hustling?
Lap puppies.
For what reason did the young lady spread nutty spread out and about?
To run with the congested driving conditions!
What do you give a barbarian that appears late to supper?
A brush off.
What did the little mountain say to the enormous mountain?
Hello there Cliff!
What did Winnie The Pooh say to his specialist?
Demonstrate to me the nectar!
What do you call a cop in bed?
A covert cop!
For what reason was there thunder and lightning in the lab?
The researchers were conceptualizing!
What experiences towns, up and over slopes, however doesn't move?
The street!
What does a Mexican cow call his companions?
What did one lift say to the next lift?
I believe I'm catching something!
Where do honey bees go to the washroom?
At the BP station!
For what reason did the pizza producer keep running from the mafia?
He owed them a considerable measure of batter!
For what reason couldn't the privateer play cards?
Since he was perched on the deck!
What do you call a child monkey?
A Chimp off the old square.
For what reason did the skeleton rest in the snow the previous evening?
He was a bonehead.
Numerous more gooey jokes
What do you get when you cross fish and an elephant?
Bathing suit.
For what reason did the movement light turn red?
You would as well on the off chance that you needed to change amidst the road!
What do you call awkward grapes?
What sort of creature would you not like to play amusements with?
A cheetah.
What word is constantly spelled wrong in the Dictionary?
What boulevards do phantoms live on?
What do you call the security protects who work at the Samsung store?
Watchmen of the Galaxy.
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
For what reason does the vampire dependably get picked last?
Since he sucks.
For what reason did the chicken get a punishment?
For fowl play!
For what reason couldn't simply the bike hold up?
It was two-tired!
For what reason was the sand wet?
The ocean weed.
What sort of fowl sticks to sweaters?
a Vel-Crow.
What did the sweeping say to the bed?
Try not to stress, I have you secured!
What is a team promoter's most loved drink?
At the point when does Friday precede Thursday?
In the word reference.
What appears on little shorelines?
What number of tickles does it take to influence an Octopus to giggle?
What's anything but difficult to get into yet difficult to escape?
What pet makes the loudest commotion?
A trum-pet!
What sort of catch won't unfasten?
A bellybutton!
Where do water crafts go when they become ill?
The dock.
What do you call two chunky individuals having a visit?
A substantial discourse.
What do you call an entertaining mountain?
Slope arious!
Which month do officers detest most?
The long stretch of March!
What did the computerized clock say to the pendulum clock?
Look grandpa, no hands!
What did the triangle say to the circle?
You're futile!
What sort of wafers do firefighters like in their soup?
What did the judge say to the dental specialist?
Do you pledge to pull the tooth, the entire tooth and only the tooth.
What is a space explorer's most loved place on a PC?
The Space bar!
Which is the longest word in the lexicon?
"Grins", in light of the fact that there is a mile between every 's'.
For what reason did the scarecrow win a honor?
Since he was out-remaining in his field.
What begins with a P, closes with an E, and has a million letters in it?
Mail station!
What runs however doesn't go anyplace?
A fridge.
For what reason did the dinosaur cross the street?
Since the chicken joke wasn't developed yet.
What sort of puppy keeps the best time?
A guard dog.
What did the senior smokestack say to the more youthful stack?
You're excessively youthful, making it impossible to smoke!
What did one cap say to another?
You remain here, I'll go on a head.
The last 12 Cheesy jokes
For what reason couldn't dracula's significant other get the opportunity to rest?
As a result of his casket.
What did the laborer at the elastic band production line say when he lost his activity?
Gracious Snap!
For what reason are privateers called privateers?
Cause they arrrrr.
What do detainees use to call each other?
What three confections would you be able to discover in each school?
Geeks, DumDums, and smarties.
What number of books would you be able to put in a vacant rucksack?
One! After that it's not void!
What did the attorney name his little girl?
What did the feline say in the wake of eating two robins lying in the sun?
I simply love baskin' robins.
How do insane individuals experience the woods?
They take the psycho way.
Did you hear they're changing the ground surface in childcare focuses?
They're calling it newborn child tile!
For what reason did the treat go to the clinic?
Since he felt horrendous.
For what reason did Johnny toss the check out of the window?
Since he needed to see time fly!
400+ Clean, Corny and Cheesy Jokes for Kids and Adults of all ages
Reviewed by julie sasha
August 19, 2018

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